The seed pods :
Creeping Indigo's seed pods have needle-like, stiff, sharp-tips, 1-3 cm long, and grow in downward-pointing clusters. Each plant can host anywhere from 200-300 seed pods at one time with it's highest rate of seed being in the Fall. The casings of the seed pods are very hard- so hard in fact, that they can take 20-30yrs to germinate from your soil. When treating for Creeping Indigo- the pods and the deeply set tap root are the last parts of the plant to die. It is believed that the seed pods are completely impenetrable most times. So, manual removal of the pods is highly suggested. You can burn them to dispose of them.
Creeping Indigo readily grows from both seeds and clippings.
Creeping Indigo readily grows from both seeds and clippings.
(Not EVERY plant has a flower or seed pods. So, it is VERY IMPORTANT you are looking for EACH identifying characteristic when searching your land)