creeping indigo ( Indigo spicata )
Creeping Indigo was first imported into the United States in 1925 and established at the Agricultural Experimental Stations of the Universities of Florida and Hawaii. This was, ironically, so that its "supposed" utility as livestock forage and ground cover could be studied. When animals began to die, the studies were discontinued but, the weed was not contained and has since, spread all over the states of both Florida and Hawaii. It can now be found growing in southern Georgia and Alabama, as well. (see link below, titled "UF'S CREEPING INDIGO ARTICLE", for more information)
Creeping Indigo (Indigo Spicata) is a DEADLY low lying- ground cover weed that resembles common clover. In this section- we will show you each of it's unique characteristics that make it easier to positively identify: it's miniature snap dragon-like flowers that are coral/pink to red in color; it's vine-like runners that fan out from one carrot-like tap root; it's stems along the vine hold 5-9 smooth and rounded edged leaflets that alternate in pattern; and it's seed pods have sharp points and are light green-brown in color.
(Not EVERY plant has a flower or seed pods. So, it is VERY IMPORTANT you are looking for EACH identifying characteristic when searching your land)
Creeping Indigo is VERY PALATABLE to animals. It is a "legume" and SO IS Alfalfa... They are closely related.
In fact, if you take a piece of Creeping Indigo, let it dry out for a few days and give it a whiff... You'll smell the familiar, rich & delicious smell of harmless alfalfa. (Go ahead, see for yourself!) You know how our babies feel about their Alfalfa and Alfalfa treats!
That is what makes THE DEADLY DIFFERENCE with this weed. Many other noxious weeds are not a risk for well fed and cared for animals.. Due to their bitter taste but, CI is. (This is NOT an OPINION. THIS IS A FACT. You can read the links below labeled "UF'S CREEPING INDIGO ARTICLE" and "HORSE DVM ARTICLE" where this can be verified.)
UF's Creeping Indigo Article is commonly MISINTERPRETED and thus, believed to provide a consumption rate for Creeping Indigo ("indigo spicata").
However, if you read closely, you will see that they refer to Creeping Indigo's LESS TOXIC cousin, out of Australia, Birdsville Indigo ("indigo linneae"). Unfortunately, since studies have not yet concluded for Creeping Indigo, this is all there is to provide as a guideline at this time.
It can be fatally misleading, considering what we DO KNOW about Creeping Indigo, thus far.
Creeping Indigo contains higher amounts of both toxins: 3NPA & Indospicine than Birdsville Indigo. We also know that Indospicine is CUMULATIVE. Meaning, it builds in an animal’s system, like a metal, over a LIFETIME until it reaches symptoms expression levels. Field studies and cases also show that the effects of Creeping Indigo for each individual horse/animal vary depending on the weight, breed, age, protein intake, pre-existing health condition and other factors. So, what may be safe for one animal, can be deadly for another as far as consumption rates go. In almost all cases involving more than one animal exposed to the same Creeping Indigo present pastures, the animals varied in severity of illness. From: some, showing merely watery eyes and sensitivity to light. While, others expressed severe symptoms like: incoordination, seizures and death.
Therefore, minimizing exposure is the only guarantee of your animal's safety.
Creeping Indigo (Indigo Spicata) is a DEADLY low lying- ground cover weed that resembles common clover. In this section- we will show you each of it's unique characteristics that make it easier to positively identify: it's miniature snap dragon-like flowers that are coral/pink to red in color; it's vine-like runners that fan out from one carrot-like tap root; it's stems along the vine hold 5-9 smooth and rounded edged leaflets that alternate in pattern; and it's seed pods have sharp points and are light green-brown in color.
(Not EVERY plant has a flower or seed pods. So, it is VERY IMPORTANT you are looking for EACH identifying characteristic when searching your land)
Creeping Indigo is VERY PALATABLE to animals. It is a "legume" and SO IS Alfalfa... They are closely related.
In fact, if you take a piece of Creeping Indigo, let it dry out for a few days and give it a whiff... You'll smell the familiar, rich & delicious smell of harmless alfalfa. (Go ahead, see for yourself!) You know how our babies feel about their Alfalfa and Alfalfa treats!
That is what makes THE DEADLY DIFFERENCE with this weed. Many other noxious weeds are not a risk for well fed and cared for animals.. Due to their bitter taste but, CI is. (This is NOT an OPINION. THIS IS A FACT. You can read the links below labeled "UF'S CREEPING INDIGO ARTICLE" and "HORSE DVM ARTICLE" where this can be verified.)
UF's Creeping Indigo Article is commonly MISINTERPRETED and thus, believed to provide a consumption rate for Creeping Indigo ("indigo spicata").
However, if you read closely, you will see that they refer to Creeping Indigo's LESS TOXIC cousin, out of Australia, Birdsville Indigo ("indigo linneae"). Unfortunately, since studies have not yet concluded for Creeping Indigo, this is all there is to provide as a guideline at this time.
It can be fatally misleading, considering what we DO KNOW about Creeping Indigo, thus far.
Creeping Indigo contains higher amounts of both toxins: 3NPA & Indospicine than Birdsville Indigo. We also know that Indospicine is CUMULATIVE. Meaning, it builds in an animal’s system, like a metal, over a LIFETIME until it reaches symptoms expression levels. Field studies and cases also show that the effects of Creeping Indigo for each individual horse/animal vary depending on the weight, breed, age, protein intake, pre-existing health condition and other factors. So, what may be safe for one animal, can be deadly for another as far as consumption rates go. In almost all cases involving more than one animal exposed to the same Creeping Indigo present pastures, the animals varied in severity of illness. From: some, showing merely watery eyes and sensitivity to light. While, others expressed severe symptoms like: incoordination, seizures and death.
Therefore, minimizing exposure is the only guarantee of your animal's safety.
Creeping Indigo contains two toxins:
3-nitropropionate (3-NPA) - A highly toxic compound, produced by the plant primarily as defense against destruction by herbivores. The toxin is a potent and irreversible inhibitor of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, a key enzyme in transforming glucose and oxygen into useable energy. Nerve cells are extremely vulnerable to energy deprivation, thus accounting for the early and prominent neurologic signs seen with all types of 3-NPA toxicity. Because it is metabolized quickly, it is unlikely to be found in the serum of affected animals.
Indospicine - A non-protein amino acid. It is toxic to the liver because of antagonism to the essential amino acid arginine, with which it competes. It is a CUMULATIVE toxin meaning: it builds in their system over a LIFETIME and persists, even after, removal from the weed. One of its principal toxic actions is inhibition of nitric oxide synthase, an action likely associated with the development of corneal edema and ulceration of mucous membranes. Although horses are relatively resistant to the liver damaging effects of this toxin, it persists in the tissues of horses dying or killed with the disease and these tissues are potentially toxic. Indospicine CAN BE detected in the serum of affected animals however, that test is not currently included in U.S. toxicology panels.
3-nitropropionate (3-NPA) - A highly toxic compound, produced by the plant primarily as defense against destruction by herbivores. The toxin is a potent and irreversible inhibitor of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, a key enzyme in transforming glucose and oxygen into useable energy. Nerve cells are extremely vulnerable to energy deprivation, thus accounting for the early and prominent neurologic signs seen with all types of 3-NPA toxicity. Because it is metabolized quickly, it is unlikely to be found in the serum of affected animals.
Indospicine - A non-protein amino acid. It is toxic to the liver because of antagonism to the essential amino acid arginine, with which it competes. It is a CUMULATIVE toxin meaning: it builds in their system over a LIFETIME and persists, even after, removal from the weed. One of its principal toxic actions is inhibition of nitric oxide synthase, an action likely associated with the development of corneal edema and ulceration of mucous membranes. Although horses are relatively resistant to the liver damaging effects of this toxin, it persists in the tissues of horses dying or killed with the disease and these tissues are potentially toxic. Indospicine CAN BE detected in the serum of affected animals however, that test is not currently included in U.S. toxicology panels.
This weed is like a land-mine in your pastures. It is just a matter of time before your animals fall victim to it. Do not wait for symptoms to show- by then it is often too late. Practice eradication and prevention methods immediately and protect your animals.
For an instructional video on "How to Identify Creeping Indigo" click below:
For international information regarding Creeping Indigo, please reference the following links: |
Though, there are not many studies on this weed being that it is a recent critical issue. UF advises that many of the later, neurological symptoms caused by CI are irreversible.